Update that I got answers to. Staking pool will close in about 3 hours time.

01 May 2023, 03:04
Update that I got answers to 1. Staking pool will close in about 3 hours time 2. Those that do not withdraw at the end of that will not lose their tokens, team will only stop the reward feature so they can still withdraw at a later date 3. Compensation will be in the form of an NFT for the next staking pool. The NFT given will vary based on how much was staked. 4. Buyback and burn for 31 days will begin once the staking pool ends 5. Team plans to introduce and attract SPACE ID and XEN holders, details on this will be announced by the team at the end of the staking pool 6. More announcements will be made by the team at the end of staking pool